What we have here is a failure of imagination
Busted. Giulia van Pelt/Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 We finally have a federal administration eager, willing, and prepared to disrupt the status quo, and this is the best they can come up with? I can't get this exasperated thought out of my head. I'm more than exasperated, of course; I'm disheartened and overwhelmed and frightened by my country's precipitous drop from Constitutional alignment to modern coup in a matter of weeks. Every one of my most deeply held values—love, hospitality, generosity, care, safety—is under attack at the highest levels of global power, and while my personal day-to-day doesn't currently look too different, I can easily imagine the ripple effects around the world, across my country, and in my life. Imagine . I can imagine it. That's why I'm furious, because I'm not the only one imagining alternative paths right now. Our federal leaders are doing the same, and the routes they are choosing are mind-bendingly thorough in their shared i...